Valid Reasons for Excused Absences and Tardies
- Illness of student
- Medical diagnosis and/or treatment
- Death in immediate family
- Contagious disease in the home
- Legal business requiring the student’s presence
- Suspension or expulsion from school
- Observance of religious holiday
- Approved college visits
- Authorized school-sponsored activities
- Mental health related absence*
Please note: Students are allowed a maximum of 10 parent/guardian notes for excused absences and 10 parent/guardian notes for excused tardies or late arrivals. After reaching this limit of 10 notes, any further absences will be marked as unexcused.School Attendance is State Mandated
School Attendance is mandated by state law and regulations of the Delaware State Board of Education. The Student Attendance Policy of the District Board establishes specific regulations related to attendance. Students and their families can refer to Board Policy 02.11 for more information.The district is responsible for reporting violations of the attendance laws of the State. The District may excuse a child for necessary and legal absence, subject to the provisions of Delaware Code (Title 14, Chapter 27).
Guidelines - When Not to Send your child to school:
In an effort to help protect our students from unnecessary illness, we urge all parents to follow the guidelines below. There are some hard and fast rules that all parents should stick to when it comes to illness and keeping your student home. Please DO NOT send your child to school if you suspect your child may be ill and has exhibited any of the following signs or symptoms of a suspected illness:
- Fever of 100.4 or more within the last 24 hours. (Schools require children to be fever free for 24 hours without medication before going back to school.)
- Any vomiting within the last 24 hours.
- Diarrhea in the last 24 hours.
- Chills, loss of appetite, unusual fatigue and/or lingering headaches.
- A rough night (for example, if your child was up all night coughing or having trouble breathing).
- Listlessness or excessively sleepy.
- Red eyes with discharge.
- Difficulty breathing or requiring nebulizer treatments within the last 24 hours.
- Severe itching of the body or scalp.
- Skin rashes lasting more than 1 day.
- Your child does not "seem like him/herself".
If your child is absent more than 3 school days, please also contact the school nurse.
Please report all communicable diseases.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr. McDonald at 302-290-9214.