Work-Based Learning

  • Work-Based Learning gives Christina students as many opportunities as possible to experience a connection between the classroom and industry.

  • The Christina School District seeks to engage with local businesses and industries to provide opportunities to place high school seniors in positions that allow for real-world experiences that are complementary to their classroom education.

    Partner with Us

    We are seeking your partnership in placing at least one or more qualified students in your organization.  

    You will have the opportunity to interview our qualified students, as well as, review their resume and other pertinent information.  If you are unable to employ students, we would still like to partner for potential job shadowing opportunities, site visits, and classroom presentations.   

    About Work-Based Learning

    The Federal Strengthening Career and Technical Education (CTE) for the 21st Century Act defines work-based learning as "sustained interactions with industry or community professionals in real workplace settings that foster in-depth, firsthand engagement with the tasks required in [various] career fields.” 

    Contact Us

    To learn more about Work-Based Learning and the Christina School District, please contact:

  • Work-Based Learning Flyer - English
  • CTE Pathways

    Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources

    Air Force and Navy ROTC

    Business Management and Administration

    Communication & Media

    Education & Human Studies

    Health Sciences

    Hospitality and Tourism

    Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

    Our CTE Seniors have earned at least 3 credits in one of the pathways above.