School Procedures

  • District Volunteer Policy

    A district policy is that all volunteers be cleared before volunteering for any school event. Please understand this process is for the safety and protection of all students while on school grounds. If you are interested in being a volunteer, please contact Mrs. Woodard in the main office for more information. Volunteers are needed in any grade/classroom, chaperoning a field trip or activity.

    Family and friends are always welcome at Leasure School!

    For security reasons, we require that you stop by our main office and obtain a visitor’s pass each time you visit our school.  You can sign in at the main office and pick up a visitor’s badge to be visible while visiting.  We appreciate your cooperation.

    Do you need to pick up your child early from school?

    Please send a note with your child that morning, so the teacher can have them ready when you arrive.  You should always report to the main office and have your child dismissed.  Students can not be released without notification from the office.  These procedures help keep our students safe in school. 

    If you need to pick up your child at the end of the day instead of having them take the bus, please send in a note with your child(ren), so the teacher knows not to put them on the bus.  You can pick your child up at the parent pick-up line at our regular dismissal time.

    Is your child going to be absent from school? 

    When your child is absent from school, your child must bring a note with them on the day they return.  Any absence that does not have a note will be listed as an unexcused absence on your child’s attendance record until an excuse note has been presented. You can input your child’s absence online by clicking this attendance form.

    Right to Know

    As a parent/guardian of a student, you have the right to know what the qualifications are of the person(s) who is teaching your child.