Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for Children
SSI provides monthly cash payments to help meet the basic needs of children who have physical or mental disability or who are blind. If you care for a child or teenager with a disability, and have limited income and savings or other resources, your child may be eligible for SSI.
Children's Community Alternative Disability Program
This program is operated by the Division of Social Services. It provides Medicaid coverage to severely disabled children who do not qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or other Medicaid qualifying programs because of their parents' income and/or resources. Parents wishing to apply for this program for their child should contact the appropriate DSS Long Term Care Service Delivery Unit.
Delaware Division of Rehabilitation
Division of vocational rehabilitation provides individualized services for employers and people with disabilities, develops career pathways that link qualified employees to jobs, resulting in greater independence and a more inclusive workplace.
DART Paratransit
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that disabled individuals be guaranteed the same level of transportation services as non-disabled persons. DART First State is pleased to provide paratransit services for disabled persons unable to use our over 60 public fixed bus routes.
Delaware Division of Developmental Disabilities Services
The Division of Developmental Disabilities Service's mission is aligned with the vision and the Department of Health and Social Service's mission to improve the quality of life for Delaware's citizens by promoting health and well-being, fostering self-sufficiency, and protecting vulnerable populations.