Become a Mentor

  • Shue-Medill Middle School Mentor Program - Superstars in Education About Mentoring
    There are many different ways to describe mentoring, but they all boil down to one thing:  a positive, supportive relationship between a young person and a caring adult.
    Definition of Mentoring
    Mentoring is a one-on-one relationship of consistent contact between a volunteer and a child.  The relationship sets out to build the child's self-esteem, teach life and/or academic skills, and to encourage the avoidance of negative behavior, so that the child grows into a productive adult.
    Mentoring Works
    Research has shown that children with mentors are less likely to do drugs and more likely to succeed in school.  The numbers don't lie!
    School-based Programs
    Mentors in school-based programs meet with their child on school property during the school day.  Mentoring programs can differ by their focus: some emphasis relationship building, others focus more on improving academic skills, still others combine the two.
    Learn more about Mentoring:  Visit Delaware Mentoring Community

    Interested in becoming a Mentor?  Please contact:
    Student Services Department
    Christina School District
    Administration Office
    1899 S. College Avenue
    Newark, DE 19702
    (302) 552-2600