• Image result for kindergarten clipart free
    Welcome to Kindergarten!!! My name is Lisa Snyder. This is my fourth year working at Brookside Elementary. I am so excited to be your child's teacher this year. At Brookside we work on being are B (Being Responsible) E ( Express Kindness) S (Show Respect) and T(Try your Best).   I will have tabs available on the side for the classroom schedule, introduction math letters, sight words, and the special schedule.  I will also post on class dojo when I update the website.  
    I think it is important to work together to support your child in the classroom.  I use the classdojo app to communicate about how the students day was and if you have any questions or concerns you can message me on class dojo or email me at lisa.snyder@christina.k12.de.us.  The school phone number is 302-454-5454 if you would like to talk to me on the phone you can call me during after school hours.  
    Thank You,
    Lisa Snyder
    Image result for kindergarten clipart free​​​​​​​
  • Mrs. Lisa Snyder

    Kindergarten Teacher

    Room: 112


    Phone: 302-454-5454

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