Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

  • School Bus ARRIVAL

    Breakfast - Free breakfast is available at Brookside Elementary every school day. A staff member will greet the students at the front door and allow them to come inside for breakfast at 8:20AM.

    Students who do not eat breakfast will also be allowed to enter the building at 8:20 am. Students who arrive at 8:40AM or later will be considered late and will need to be signed in at the office by a parent/guardian. If students arrive at school prior to 8:20 am, they will need to wait in the line in front of the school unless they are told to go inside by the teacher on duty or an administrator.


    At 3:20PM YMCA students will be dismissed to the cafeteria. When grade levels are announced, teachers will escort walkers out of the building and bus riders to their bus.