Nurse's Corner
Welcome to Brader! I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year. On these pages, you can find information on school entrance requirements, health and medication policies, and wellness tips.
My office hours are 8:45 a.m -3:30 p.m. The direct phone number to our office is (302) 454-5959 X 112. You may also email me.
I am looking forward to a happy, HEALTHY school year for your child here at Brader. Please do not hesitate to call or visit with any questions.
Emergency Cards
Emergency cards will be sent home with each student during the first week of school or given upon registration. The back of the card contains a health history. Please complete BOTH SIDES, SIGN IN TWO PLACES and return to your child’s teacher ASAP. It is very important that you inform me of any changes to your address and phone numbers or to the additional contact numbers during the school year so that you can be reached in the event of an Emergency. If your child has a health problem such as Asthma, Seizures, Food Allergies, please inform me so I can maintain the highest level of care and safety for your child.e.
Clothing Change
Occasionally, a child will need to change clothes at school (BR accident, spilled food etc.) Please send an extra set of clothing to keep in his/her school bag. Usually, I can provide clean items, although clean underwear is usually not available. I will send your child’s soiled clothing home with him/her. Please wash and return the loaned items.
If your child develops a fever he/she must be fever-free (less than 100 degrees F) without the use of fever reducing medication for at least 24 hours before returning to school. If your child is being treated for an infections illness such as strep throat or pink eye, he/she must receive at least 24 hours of prescribed medication before returning to school.
Please be aware of the following requirements regarding medication in school:
Written parent/guardian permission is required for all prescription and over-the-counter medication to be administered by the school nurse. A permission form is available for download below for this purpose.
Controlled medications, such as those used for treating ADHD, must be brought in to the nurse by a parent/ adult. The adult must count the number of tablets that are sent in and this will be verified by the nurse upon receipt. A count with parent/adult signature is required each time a new supply is brought in.
Prescription medications must be in the original pharmacy labeled container.
Over-the-counter medications must be in the original container.
A nebulizer is available for use by the students that require inhaled medication for asthma. Parents must supply mask or mouthpiece, nebulizer cup and tubing along with medication for the student.
The health room stocks acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil). Comfort measures such as cough drops, throat lozenges and mints are also available to the students.
Links are provided below to download forms for medication permission
Required Medical Documentation / New Student Enrollment
If your student is new to the Delaware public school system (coming from out of state, homeschool, or private school), you will need to present the following prior to the first day of school:
Written report of a Physical Exam dated within 2 years prior to entry
An immunization record that documents the following immunizations:
5 or more doses of DTaP, DTP or TD vaccine (unless 4th dose was given after the 4th birthday)
4 doses of IPV or OPV (unless the 3rd dose was given after the 4th birthday)
3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine
2 doses of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (first dose after the age of 12 months, second dose after the 4th birthday)
2 doses of Varicella or a written disease history by a licensed healthcare provider
Results of Tuberculosis Screening dates within 12 months of school entry. Acceptable forms of TB screening include a TB Risk Assessment Questionnaire or the results of PPD/Mantoux skin testing.
Vision and Hearing Screenings are performed on all students in grades 2, 4 and kindergarten. If your child does not pass a screening you will receive a referral letter from the nurse. Please have your child evaluated promptly to help ensure an optimal learning environment. All students in the 5th grade will be screened for scoliosis (curvature of the spine). If a curvature is noted, you will receive a referral letter and he/she will be reevaluated by a physical therapist here at the school.
Christina School District Lice Policy
See the attached document for the Christina School District Lice Policy. Visit for additional information about lice.
Forms and Documents
Permission to Administer Medication Form
Brader Permission to administer medication updated back.pdf 250.97 KB (Last Modified on September 29, 2019)