Positive Behavior Interventions Support (PBIS)

  • Positive Behavior Interventions Support (PBIS) is our school-wide disciplinary practice. PBIS enables our staff to work hand-in-hand with our students and parents in order to create a safe and positive learning environment for our children.

    Brader students practice the principles of ROAR.

    O---outstanding attitude

    Students are reminded daily over morning announcements and in their classrooms about the 4 principles of ROAR. When they are displaying these characteristics, they are awarded Brader Tiger Paws for their outstanding effort. These paws can be used to shop at the store or they can be saved for big-ticket events such as the Party Hearty Sock Hop, Sports Raffles, etc. Good behavior is essential to learning and consistently rewarded at Brader! Go, Brader Tigers!