4th Grade

  • The "Fantastic" Fourth Grade
    They may not have superhuman powers, but they do save the world one student at a time! The fourth grade teachers work hard preparing the students for middle school. Here are the concepts and skills that are taught and reinforced throughout the year.



    *Graphing *Area and Perimeter *Measuring angles *Place Values *Negative Numbers *Estimating *Elapsed Time *Interpolation *Extrapolation *Prime Numbers *Square Numbers *Exponents *Factor Trees *Divisibility Rules *Adding and Subtracting Fractions *Decimals *Volume *Probability *Long Division


    Language Arts

    *6 Traits Writing *Houghton Mifflin Anthology Series *Vocabulary



    *Structures of Life (life cycles of bean plants, crayfish, and bess beetles) *Land and Water * Electricity and Magnetism


    Social Studies

    *Civics *Economics *Geography *Delaware History