- Christina School District
- Contact the Board
Contact the Board
Citizens are welcome to bring a topic or issue to the attention of the school board. There are three primary ways to do so:
- write to the school board via email or regular mail
- telephone individual school board members;
- share comments at a regular school board meeting during the Public Comment portion of the meeting
Public Comment
The board generally meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Meeting locations vary on a monthly basis and typically begin at 7:00 p.m.
Tips on Preparing for Public CommentYour goal for speaking at the Public Comment portion of a Board meeting should be to raise a specific topic or issue with the school board. Their goal is to listen and learn from the community. They will not respond to public comment that evening. If you would like to testify before the school board, please use the following guidelines:- Try to resolve any issues with teachers, school principals, or other district personnel before bringing the issue to the board.
- Recognize that the board does not discuss personnel matters at board meetings. Issues and concerns about individual staff members can be addressed with the board through letters or phone calls.
- Do your homework and understand the basic facts of the issue before addressing the board.
- Prepare an outline of your public comment so that it is well organized and avoids repetition.
- Plan to keep your remarks to three minutes. The board has limited time to hear from all of those who sign up to speak.
Process at the meeting- Members of the community who wish to publicly comment on issues at Board meetings may sign up for public comment before the meeting starts. Public comment forms are available from the Board Secretary at each meeting.
- Fill out the form completely.
- Listen for any changes in the agenda announced by the board president.
- When the board is ready for public comment, the Board President will refer to the completed forms and will call names in the order they appear.
- To take public comment, the president will refer to the sign-up sheet and call out the names in the order they appear.
Addressing the Board- When your name is called, approach the podium, speak into the microphone, giving your full name for the record.
- Please limit your public comment to three minutes.
- Be respectful of the board when giving your public comment.
- Be ready to respond to questions from the board if asked.
- Address your public comment to the board members, not the audience.
- Do not address questions to the board. The board's goal for the public comment period is to hear your concerns, comments or opinions. Questions can be answered through calls or letters to the board members.
Write to the School Board
You can write a letter or an e-mail to the board to raise a particular topic or bring an issue to their attention. You may address the letter to individual board members or send one letter to the board as a whole. Copies will be forwarded to all board members.If you would like to correspond with a board member via their individual email, please see the Meet the Board link on the right hand side of this page to access his/her contact information.Emails to be received by the board as a whole should be sent to: csd-schoolboard@christina.k12.de.usWritten communications to the Board of Education should be addressed to:Christina School District Board of Education1899 S. College AvenueNewark, DE 19702 -
Call the Board
If you would like to correspond with a board member via their individual telephone, please visit the Meet the Board page to access his/her contact information.
- Phone: (302) 552-2630