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Assessment, Research & Project Management
Christina School District administers the following Delaware System of State Assessments (DeSSA), state summative accountability assessments annually:
English Language Arts
- Smarter Balanced in grade 3-8
- SAT in grade 11
- DeSSA Alt or DCPS Alt in grades 3-8 & 11 for students with significant cognitive disabilities
- Smarter Balanced in grade 3-8
- SAT in grade 11
- DeSSA Alt or DCPS Alt in grades 3-8 & 11 for students with significant cognitive disabilities
- DeSSA Science in grades 5, 8 & for students enrolled in a HS Biology course
- DeSSA Alt or DCPS Alt in grade 10 for students with significant cognitive disabilities
Social Studies
- DeSSA Social Studies in grades 4, 7 & 11
- DeSSA Social Studies instructionally embedded field test in grade 8.
English Language Proficiency for Multilingual Learners (MLL)
- ACCESS 2.0
- ACCESS Alt for MLL students with significant cognitive disabilities
A randomized selection of district schools also take the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in grades 4 & 8. The NAEP is typically given in odd years, but will be given in Spring 2022 as the 2021 administration was cancelled due to the ongoing impacts of the Coronavirus. The following schools have been randomly selected to participate in NAEP this year:
- Brader (Henry M.) Elementary School
- Gallaher (Robert S.) Elementary School
- Gauger-Cobbs Middle School
- Keene (William B.) Elementary School
- Kirk (George V.) Middle School
- Leasure (May B.) Elementary School
- Marshall (Thurgood) Elementary School
- Mcvey (Joseph M.) Elementary School
- Oberle (William) Elementary School
- Shue-Medill Middle School
- Smith (Jennie E.) Elementary School
- The Bancroft School
- The Bayard School
- West Park Place Elementary School
Assessment Resources & Practice Tests
Student Practice Tests
Students and parents can become familiar with the assessments they will take by taking or viewing a practice test. Using the Assessment Calendar page, identify which assessments you or your student are scheduled to take. Then, click on the links below to see practice test and released items.
- Smarter Balance ELA & Math (Grades 3-8)
- DeSSA Science (Grade 5, 8 & HS Biology)
- DeSSA Social Studies (Grades 4, 7 & 11)
- PSAT & SAT (Grades 10 & 11)
- ACCESS (Multilingual Learners in grades K-12)
- DeSSA Alt ELA, Math & Science (Student in grades 3-8 & 11 with significant cognitive disabilities)
- Smarter Balance ELA & Math (Grades 3-8)